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January 12, 2009 Meeting Minutes




The meeting began at 7:00 p.m. East Windsor Board of Education conference room.


        Present:  Chairman Cliff Nelson, Steve Pilch, Jim Borrup, Bill Grace, Joseph Sauerhoefer, Al Rodrigue and Joe Pellegrini.  Also present were First Selectman Denise Menard, Selectman Dale Nelson, Town Engineer Len Norton and Recording Secretary Slate

        ABSENT:   Jim Thurz and Skip Kement


Upon motion by Mr. Pellegrini seconded by Mr. Borrup, it was unanimously

VOTED:  To approve the minutes of December 8, 2008

A.      East Windsor High School Boiler Replacement Project

The project financial statement and inspection report from the East Windsor Building Official was distributed along with an update from John Aulisio.  Mr. Rodrigue met with Mr.Baker, Facilities Manager at the boiler site.  Mr. Rodrigue discussed the proper closeout procedures that should be followed per the project specifications.  Mr. Rodrigue explained what is still needed from Central Mechanical, including a retest of the boilers after 90 days, lien waivers and some patching where cuts were made through the roofing.  The majority of the work has been completed but close out procedures must be completed.   

Upon motion by Mr. Rodrigue, seconded by Mr. Borrup it was unanimously

VOTED:  to withhold further payments until all final close out procedures have been completed.
 A discussion followed regarding the patching and fireproofing of the beams.  The work meets code but does not meet the specifications of the job which has a clear definition in the specifications.

        B.      East Windsor Town Hall Annex Storage/Offices
Ms. Menard discussed the broken heating register on the second floor of the Town Hall Annex.  The committee discussed cutting the heat off to the complete section and the sprinkler system in the basement.  Mr. Norton asked if heat was necessary in the basement as there did not seem to be anything of value stored in the basement.  Members discussed the option of using the Town Hall Annex for cold storage or if it would be more feasible to tear it down as the plumbing calls in the middle of the night were expensive and more frequent.  Ms. Menard asked for an estimate to repair the roof and cut off the heating supply and for an answer to the question regarding the necessity of a sprinkler system in the basement.  Selectman Nelson wanted information to justify the $44,000 budgeted for the Town Hall Annex repairs.   It was suggested that the town plumber check to see if the old section can be shut off and capped and still retain heat to the other areas.  Mr. Pilch will have an estimate for the Selectman’s Office by next week.  Mr. Grace researched the option of using prison labor.  The prison provides transportation and labor for no charge.  The prison labor would be able to do small projects.  It was suggested that they might be able to re-glaze the old windows in the Town Hall Annex.  The roof repairs and masonry repairs would need to be done to make the building dry and weather tight before any work should be done on the rooms.  The committee would like a list of towns that have used the prison labor for references.  Mr. Nelson will call for that information.  

At the meeting on December 8, 2008, it was unanimously

VOTED: to table the EDM register until all reports, as-builts, etc. have been submitted.        


Selectman Menard distributed a breakdown of projects and costs to be completed with a grant from ADA in the amount of $133,000.  Mr. Norton discussed each item.  Because state funds are to be used, there needs to be three (3) for each item.  Mr. Norton will put a specification together for the door openers and it will be put out to bid.  Mr. Sauerhoefer inquired as to the availability of funds from Governor Rell for construction projects.   Those funds are for “shovel ready” projects.  The Town of East Windsor does not have any projects that are that far along.


A discussion regarding the upcoming Prospect Hill project was led by Mr. Norton.




Upon motion by Mr. Sauerhoefer, seconded by Mr. Grace, it was unanimously

        VOTED:  To adjourn at 8:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Laurie Slate
Recording Secretary